But, how should a teaching portfolio look? What documents should it contain? What media must it display? We will explore the answers to these questions as we build our final AC230 projects. Our goal will be to create multimedia online teaching portfolios. These are referred to as ePortfolios or simply eFolios. We will learn a number of ways to create eFolios. You will then select the software most comfortable to you.
Electronic Portfolios - by Teacher Tap
EPortfolios: What's the hype? - by iNews
Teacher Portfolios - by Dr. Barrett
Developing a Teaching Portfolio - by Ohio State U
Web 2.0 Tools
Lesson Builder
Final Project Task: Use the software program of your choice to create an online eFolio of your teaching experience. You will present your eFolio in class on December 6th.
Final Project Content Requirements: Your eFolio should include your teaching philosophy, your resume or experience, two sample lesson plans and a reaction to your work.
Final Project Technical Requirements: Using LessonBuilder, Blogger rCampus or any other online capable software, create a five page eFolio. Include graphics and links as needed.
Final Project Procedure:
1. Create a diagram of your eFolio. The diagram should include the number of pages, the content and design of each page and how each page will link to the other pages of your eFolio. You will create this in class on April 17th.
2. Collect the information (text, images) and resources (links, media) you will use. Bring this information to class on April 29th.
3. Review the links above. Determine the software type to use.
4. Create your eFolio. (Apr. 29th - May o8th)
5. Email your file or link to jenheuson@yahoo.com.
6. Present your eFolio to class on Thursday, May 08th.