Lab 15: Designing Student-Produced Digital Photography Curriculum

Description: So now you know the basics for using digital cameras, but how will you use them in the classroom? What kind of lessons can benefit with the aid of digital images? There are a number of educators who have contributed their ideas and efforts to demonstrate ways of using digital photography in the classroom. In this lab, we will research some of these ideas and create some lessons of our own. We will be focusing on creating curriculum for student-produced projects that integrate digital photography.

Reading: Multimedia Projects in the Classroom, pp. 21-36.
Applications/Equipment Used: Digital Camera, Digital Camera Software, Microsoft Word
Skills: Lesson Plan Design, Digital Photography: Shooting, Transferring, Editing, Publishing.
Lessons: Digital Photography Fundamentals


Digital Photography & the K-12 Educator
10001 Uses for a Digital Camera
Using Digital Cameras in the Classroom
Using a Digital Camera in the Classroom
Digital Camera Uses in the Classroom
Kathy Schrock's Digital Gadgets for the Classroom

Lab Procedure:

1. Research various lesson plans using the links above. Choose a lesson to critique and answer the following about that lesson: (You will present your answers in class.)
  • Is the task of the lesson clearly defined? What processes need to be more clearly defined?
  • Is this an individual or group project? If a group project, are all the student roles clearly defined; what are they? If an individual project, how could others be included to make it a group project; what would their roles be?
  • Is there a method to monitor the progress of the project? If yes, does it seem successful; how could it be improved? If no, how could the project's progress be properly monitored?
  • Does the lesson have a method for presenting and sharing the completed projects? Does it seem to be a satisfactory culmination of the work put into the project; and why? What other possible ways could the projects be presented?
2. Create your own cooperative learning lesson that integrates digital photography. Include the following:
  • Define a grade level for the project.
  • Define the task for the project.
  • Define a process for students to complete the task, giving it in a list format.
  • Give individuals specific roles in the production.
  • Describe opportunities for individuals from different groups to discuss their similar roles.
  • Define how you will monitor group progress and provide in-progress feedback.
  • Define how the groups will present and share their work.
3. Save your critique and lesson as a word document appropriately named (jones_lab15.doc) with your last name, email address and the lab number at the top of the document.

4. Send your word document to my AC230 Digital Dropbox on York’s Blackboard. The subject line should give your name and the lab number (Frank Jones Lab 15).

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