Lab 06: The Internet as a Classroom Resource

Description: We all look for information and reference resources online, but what other kinds of resources are there to implement in the classroom. Are there interactive tools? How about step-by-step tutorials for certain topics? Maybe there are interesting images, sounds, or video out there to liven up lesson material?

Reading: Integrating Technology for Meaningful Learning, pp. 216 - 228.
Applications/Equipment Used: Windows OS, Microsoft Word, Web Based Email Client.
Lessons: Putting the Puzzle Together: Using the Internet in the Classroom - A slide presentation from Kathy Schrock.


Tools for Evaluating Web Sites
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - by Kathy Schrock
The ABC's of Website Evaluation - by Kathy Schrock
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources - University of Maine
An Educator's Guide to Credibility and Web Evaluation - University of Illinois
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - New Mexico State University

Lab Procedure:

  1. Identify a lesson topic for which you want to find a variety of Internet resources. Briefly describe the topic.
  2. Find four different types of resources online for your topic, choosing from Kathy Schrock's List of Internet Resource types: Enrichment, Lesson/Tutorial, Tools, Reference Resources or Information Resources.
  3. For each type of resource found, list the type of resource, copy and paste the URL of the resource and describe how the resource would be used in the lesson.
  4. Save your resource description list in a word document appropriately named (jones_lab06.doc) with your last name, email address, and the lab number at the top of the document.
  5. Send your word document to my AC230 Digital Dropbox on York’s Blackboard. The subject line should give your name and the lab number (Frank Jones Lab 06).

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