Lab 20: Using Blogs as a Classroom Tool

Description: What is blogging? Why should I learn how to blog? What’s all the fuss about anyway? A blog, short for web-log, is an online journal. The main difference between a blog and a personal diary is that blogs are usually public and can cover topics as diverse as “war zones of the world” and “what I ate for breakfast today.”

Blogging is an easy, and usually FREE, way to share your thoughts, feelings and, yes, even your knowledge. It’s almost like having your own online class except that it’s open to anyone you choose to let in (that is, of course, if they have a computer and Internet access)! As a teacher you can use this as a resource for class discussion or as a tool for collecting other online resources. Blogs can be used to give homework assignments, to gather online readings, or to provide journal questions.

Reading: Integrating Technology for Meaningful Learning, pp. 181 – 199; 314 – 361
Applications/Equipment Used: Windows OS, Web Browser, Blogging Software
Lessons: How To Blog Using Blogger Software


Understanding and Using Blogs
Beginner's Guide to Blogs
Legal Guide for Bloggers
Evaluation of Blogs

Tools for Searching Blogs
Google Blog Search
Yahoo Blog Search
Blogger Blog Search

Resources for Creating Web Logs or Blogs
Live Journal

Lab Procedure:

1. Complete the tutorial for

2. Using (or any other free blogging software), create a blog.

3. Your blog must fulfill the following requirements:
  • 3.1. Be created for a specific (imaginary) class or lesson plan.
  • 3.2. Include at least one web link that your students will use to complete an activity.
  • 3.3. Include at least one photo or graphic that will enhance your students’ understanding of the topic.
  • 3.4. Include at least one sidebar web link to additional resources or information related to the topic.
  • 3.5. Include an activity or question that your students can answer by using the “Comments” function.
4. Make sure that you save and publish your blog. (You can delete it after I review it!)

5. Copy the URL of your blog into the body of an email and send to my email address. The subject line of the email should give your name and the lab number. EX: AC 230 Frank Jones Lab 07.

Congratulations! You have just completed the final lab for AC230.


Anonymous said...

This a grate lesson However we need mor instruction on what user name to use, I spent couple of hour figuring this out, and I still can create an account.

Anonymous said...

I got it. But during the username setup I dont know what name I use.